Self-to-self Forum Index |
Self-to-self » An identity-of-Mind: The blueprint for personal and global evolution |
This is a place to help us focus our questions into genuine inquiry, developing new strands of personal life learning. The aim here is practical intelligent investigation; for through clarifying our queries and examining our challenges, we will germinate new ways of thinking.
This is a place to learn The Art of Inward Listening, so you can hear your own wisdom. As you generate new understanding, you discover how to fulfill your life’s potential as the key to enlightenment. As we learn to direct our personal evolution wisely, we learn to direct global evolution wisely. Moderator: spinfo |
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June 15th, 2020, 1:08 pm
A few house rules and suggestions. Moderator: spinfo |
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August 10th, 2005, 5:36 pm
A place to submit recommendations about how to make the forum a better place for everyone. |
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June 15th, 2020, 11:43 am
As we update our site, our forum membership will be temporarily closed. Please continue to enjoy reading through the current strands. Meanwhile, if you would like to post a comment or ask a question, just click the “email us” link at the bottom of any page. Include the topic, and we will see that your post is promptly added. |
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