From the inside out: (5/6/87)
A practical philosophy for the self seeking species:
by The Speakers(5.6.87)

uman kind is a species of consciousness, a specific kind,
or classification of consciousness whose inherent design defines it as the
human consciousness. Human life is the ability of human consciousness to
experience itself as both a physical reality, born into time as a physical
self, and simultaneously, as a portion of a spiritual and psychic reality,
existent outside of time as the Inner Self. Basically, this is the "Self-and-self"
known to each of you as YOUR self. You are the power of both an intellectual
and spiritual intelligence; an intelligence that is capable of perpetual,
and original re-creation of itself into both microcosmic individual reality,
and macrocosmic universal reality. This is your nature.
Human reality is the effort of human consciousness to learn about its identity
as an energy, and as a creative life-force identifying itself as power.
human life is an intention to learn how to perpetuate itself through its
own creativity. Your indivisible reality as a human self-and-Self, is this
continuously expanding, learning-process then. Through the development of
your personal potentials you are meant to fulfill the creative potentials
of the intellectual and spiritual intelligence from which you daily spring.
As you learn, you enrich your human dimensions of reality, and you automatically
enrich other dimensions of your greater reality, with the knowledge gained
through experiencing your human lives.
However, the learning is not going well for human hood, since you are in
peril of aborting your own reality - changing yourselves and your world
beyond recognition as this self-knowable identity of human consciousness,
upon this planet earth. If more aware futures are to be created, then more
aware presents need to be created, in the crucible of
Many of you do understand that your human reality is a cooperative inside-out
venture. Your human experiencing is an exploration of the dynamics of yourselves
as creative power, in a self-to-Self relationship. You ceaselessly experiment
with interior motivation and exterior result. You seek to understand how
your inner life of thought and emotion is fired into physical experience
- trying to learn, self-from-Self, how you transform the invisible energy
of your Inner Self into the visible experiences and conditions of your physical
self's reality. Through this process you grow into your own power and re-create
yourselves into the freshly original, future generations of humankind, and
human consciousness.
There are philosophies that ask you to believe that you are little more
than errant molecules, come together through happenstance and having no
greater value, purpose, or meaning, than those humanly determined theories
would decide to ascribe to you. There are ideologies that oppose, ignore,
and blatantly disregard your own intimate proofs and knowledge of your own
correlative, partnered nature and its natural workings. There are philosophies
that demean the human consciousness on every level, and ask you to subjugate
yourselves to irrational beliefs that deny you your own reality.
It is not our intention to debate sophistic rhetoric; our intention is to
practically help each of you discover who you are and why you are, using
your own mind as the foundation to discern the false from the true - in
all regards. As a self seeking species, the truth about yourselves is what
you are seeking - and you are doing so through the of use of your individual
mind - trusting in your own innate intelligence. Now, that is so regardless
of what any philosophies, ideologies, psychologies, hypothesis, theories
- any doctrines of any description - may present or promote.
You are a race of mind, and that presumes your ability to direct that mind's
automatic activity - direct your thinking. Regardless of how you disguise
this to yourselves, by believing, defining or experiencing your power of
existence as mindless - you exist as this reality of human-hood upon this
planet earth only because of your inherent nature as a mental and spiritual
intelligence - a rational, thinking intelligence.
We say disguise, for this is indeed what you often do; many of you have
formulated discordant identities, portrayed in personal lives devoid of
your intrinsic power of personal mind, and so, empty of meaning, value and
purpose. As you labor under a multitude of misconceptions and misunderstandings
about yourselves, few of you realize the potential of your own nature -
or have any inkling of your intimate meaning and purpose for living. The
results are private lives of incessant muddle, futility and misery - and
a planet suffering the same malaise. You have unwittingly created this reality
from irrational policies of every kind; policies grown out of irrational
philosophies of every kind; and philosophies grown out of irrational beliefs
of every kind. This is indeed a disguise of your human nature in every regard.
Our intention is to help each of you design your own PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY
OF INTELLIGENT BELIEFS; cohesive and far-reaching beliefs that will enable
each of you to enjoy the bounty of life's experiences possible through understanding
your own self-to-Self relationship. Even while this relationship may seem
unconscious, you are each continuously involved in its intimate interactions
within the layered reaches of your private psyche, as well as within your
public awareness and activities. Within the self-and-Self relationship there
is a richness of value for human life that need not remain unrealized -
locked up behind the mind's closed doors. Humankind is not fated to the
defaults of ceaseless quandaries and catastrophic crisis. The bounty of
your inner life can be drawn out into your daily lives through the doorways
of your clear conscious mind - you only need to learn how to open your mind-ways.
You begin by willingly considering new ideas.
We are well aware of the psychic explorations of many of you as you privately
venture into new areas of mind, and spirit. Humankind's efforts to functionally
expand its own possibilities are clearly visible with this increased private
and public interest in a colorful variety of psychic phenomenon and new
psychological theories. As you stretch and reach toward new tomorrows for
yourselves, you are working from the inside out, weaving new information
into new beliefs, and then into the specific thought patterns of active
plans and dreams. You begin this process from within your private heart
and mind and complete it by producing changed outside experiences activities,
events, situations, conditions and circumstances of every sort in your daily
lives. You literally use the inside workings of your self-to-Self relationship,
to shape your outside experiences as your lives and your reality. Your outside
creations will unfailingly, faithfully reflect your interior creations according
to your private, precise designs. When you misunderstand your nature of
creative power, this misunderstanding becomes factually reflected. Feelings
of powerlessness - of life happening TO you instead of directed
you - are symptoms of this misunderstanding. Certainly, if you cannot learn
how to shape your intimate thinking and feeling, then you cannot begin to
direct your power in other ways either.
This conceptual revolution - this new age, or new wave of human development
- poses a very real, personal challenge for each of you. As you realize
your need for an authentic identity that practically supports
of the angles of your own lives experiences, many of you are asking those
deepest questions about your own value, meaning and purpose of living. This
need of your self, to question your Self about your origins and nature,
is the assistance of your Inner Self, leading you in the directions of your
most private learning - towards your own unique fulfillment.
The challenge of this "new age" movement is not really new at
all, for it is the same challenge humankind has continuously faced on its
evolutionary path; the challenge to understand its power and responsibility
for its own reality - from the individual "inside" private lives
of each of you, to the shared world "out side", for all of you.
Only as each of you recognizes and embraces your intelligent, partnered
identity, can you then design belief systems that will actively support
your own private living reality; and only as each of you does this, will
humanity identity itself the same way, and begin to design collective belief
structures to accomplish the same life-supporting results for your global
Even while many "new age" philosophies seem to be freshly imploding
the concepts of self power and creativity as the basis of your reality,
if you look closely, you will discover that they are in effect only rephrasing,
re-shaping a fundamental philosophical misconception. While these philosophies
speak to you about your psychic role in multidimensional reality and celebrate
your cosmic origins and mystical, multifaceted identity, too often these
grander aspects of the Self are promoted
at the expense of your ordinary
identity of self, with little concern for the reality of the daily-drawn
you. If such new age views create an essential separation, subordination
and devaluation of your immediate, personal power and responsibility in
the context of your own experiences of everyday living; then we can only
ask you: “how is it, that
your power and responsibility, are
being supported by such views”? Certainly, the current prevalence
of piecemeal, disjointed advice being offered you, for achieving your practical
life's goals, aims, dreams and fulfillment, seems not to be answering what
we hear so much of human-hood asking for. Without an
appropriate, functional
method for your understanding, for your learning, for your growth and
development, as the human you’s that you immediately are, then it
is difficult for you to meaningfully embrace and connect to your intimate
yet integral personal role in
creating your reality of self and world.
It is a grave misconception to view questions of individual identity, value
and meaning, as some form of a narcissistic, egotistical, self-serving,
"me only generation”, mentality or philosophy. Some of human-hood
holds any philosophy of personal self-seeking or self-knowledge in contempt,
believing that a "we generation" will only grow out of the subordination
of the individual. Such beliefs run counter to human nature, and we suggest
they are only a clever cover-up for the deeper roots of your inner most
misconceptions and fears about yourselves.
We suggest that psychic revolution continues to fall short of its promise
precisely because it undermines the natural human definition of each of
you, as individual power, knowledge, and responsible personal choice,
the context of your precise daily selfhood. Such revolutions falter
because they too often promote
either the collective reality at the
expense of the individual reality, or vise-a-versa. Such revolutionary efforts
break down because they fail to convincingly link individual reality to
world reality as the inside-out responsibility of the individual, created
by the individual and thereby dependent upon the personal measures and means
within the power of each of you, as intimate choice. We suggest that such
efforts actually re-enforce the concept of separating the power and responsibility
of the personal human self, first, from its own consciousness and reality,
and then onward in the progressive equation of global, universal and cosmic
Many of you are beginning to understand that this "new age" will
not really begin until each of you begins to deliberately and COMPREHENSIVELY
reform your own concepts of personal identity. In this latest effort of
conceptual revolution, you are recognizing the need to begin with personal
reformation -
consciously and knowledgeably directing
changes in your own beliefs. This revolution needs to be one of practical
immediate values for each of you - not only one of world or cosmic propositions,
possibilities and potentials, eventual for all of you.
This revolution needs to be one of your own PRESENT REALITY, before it can
become one of future world or cosmic reality. If there is to be FUTURE humankind,
it will exist only by virtue of how each of you decides to direct yourselves,
as this present humankind. Too often the facts about your very real ordinary
selves are negligently misinterpreted or ignored in the zeal of these "new
age" philosophies, as they extol the joys of psychic enlightenment
and cosmic fulfillment, side stepping the more mundane issues of your daily
selves, in THIS dimension.
It is time to go "back to the future"; back to "finding"
yourselves as a
self in relationship to your Self, for only as you
first grasp your own power and responsibility as experienced, present self-reality,
can you come to know your other dimensions as a universal and cosmic self-reality.
It is difficult for you to be interested or concerned with fulfilling your
cosmic identity, when you live daily lives of dreary dissatisfaction. You
cannot care about, or understand your role in a larger reality, until you
can care about, and understand your role in this daily reality of human
life in this world. Obviously your first need is for present, practical
solutions to help your everyday selves. Only through discovering how you
actualize yourself into daily life, can you come to grasp your personal
part in creating your world reality, and only then will you discover who
your complete self is as a cosmic identity.
This new age movement is now a gathering energy, sweeping more and more
of you into an encompassing reformation of your world's accepted belief
structures. Everything from governments to religions are being conceptually
challenged, and reformed. As more of you understand the nature of your own
personal consciousness to be responsible, capable, creative power, many
of your most limiting belief structures are quite naturally disintegrating.
Through the eye of open communication, many of the "power-over"
pretenses these philosophies are based upon, are becoming clearly visible
to all of you. You are realizing that practical ignorance of your own personal
nature, functionally strips away your own power and energy. When your personal
power of choice of beliefs, is appropriated without your express agreement
- albeit through deception or ignorance - you are still left, functionally
without power and incapable of directing the creation of your experiences
and realities - on any level.
In this present period of flux, great blocks of consciousness are experimenting
with new ways of structuring concept and belief as the vessels that hold
and shape the possibilities for human kind and its’ world. The breadth
of conceptual change that is being attempted, is stunning - it is literally
stunning many of you as you attempt to wrap mind and heart around so many
new ideas. You are finding you can no longer view your personal selves and
the world about you, quite the same way you've been accustomed to; but you
are having trouble fitting your private pictures of self and world into
the new conceptual frame work being constructed from the profusion of new
ideas and new information that is bursting into open awareness all about
Essentially, you are each attempting to rebuild the foundations of your
own deepest beliefs, as your identity and perceptions of your reality. You
are critically examining your most intimate core beliefs and challenging
the concepts that give you your private pictures of reality, in hope of
changing that reality. You have outgrown the confines - and security - of
many of your most limiting belief systems, but few of you are knowledgeable
or adept enough at structuring new beliefs into cohesive belief systems
and philosophies, to replace those you are shedding. Few of you understand
how to design yourselves a rational set of daily beliefs to live your lives
by; one that is realistic enough to finally be acceptable to both self,
and the Self that each of you is. The result of all of this “reformation”
is a confusion of contradictions, leaving you frustrated and sometimes frightened
about who you are, and why you are.
To turn your learning into practical values, a new and more conscious interaction
between your self and Self, must be developed. This is our offer of assistance
to each of you. As you each undertake this inevitable reconstruction of
beliefs it is a choice, either to make conscious effort, placing your faith
in yourselves as the source of knowing and deciding, or handing the job
away, blindly accepting other's philosophies and definitions of your human
meaning, purpose and worth. Who can know more about your most intimate self,
than your Self?
The instability and confusion you are globally and privately experiencing,
stems from the lack of new belief structures to replace those that are disappearing.
Human kind can no longer tolerate the limitations of its own ignorance,
but at each step of learning there is a need for some organization of your
beliefs in order to shape human power in any direction. This most fundamental
ability of each of you, to structure your beliefs into rational systems,
or philosophies, used to direct your daily living, will be discussed extensively,
for it is the vital lesson to creating rational self-reality - and perpetuating
yourselves as rational universal power.
This present experience of yourselves is the only opening available to consciousness
for the seeding of new concepts and beliefs that will grow you new realities
of experience - and foster the evolvement of human consciousness. It is
through this precise "now" of yourselves, that all concepts of
reality, and so change, are experimented with - tried out and tried on;
you create tomorrow out of today, as the directions of personal and world
future out of today; there is no other access to tomorrow except along this
road through the land of your own today.
We do realize many of you have already grasped much of what we are saying
here. Yet obviously, such surface understanding is not enough for you to
practically affect the meaningful kinds of changes you want for your own
lives and your world. To try to understand any concept through only surface
meanings is to try to know the taste of an orange from only looking at it
or picking it up. Such surface knowledge creates only surface change - and
it is our understanding that your deeper desire is for more than only a
resurfacing of your lives or self and world reality.
Basically, human-hood still has little idea of its own intimate workings
- its own inner systems of power and how they operate through heart and
mind - with or without your conscious awareness or understanding of this
activity. Humankind has made spectacular developments on the physical, mechanistic
sides of its reality; but basic human consciousness has actually evolved
little past your beliefs in violence as the nature of power, and so the
nature of yourselves as human identity. This fact of your reality is clearly
reflected - enacted on every level of your lives; from domestic violence
to global warfare.
An evolved vision of yourselves and an evolved version of your reality,
will only come about as the product of conscious learning - deliberately
learning about your own consciousness. Evolvement will only occur as humankind
directs it to occur. Since each of you is the "human" in human
kind, then each of you is responsible for directing your self and your world
toward growth and development. The evolvement of your human consciousness
will not occur as some sort of natural UNCONSCIOUS process. The evolvement
of human kind is not some guaranteed, automatic process of predestined,
perpetual enlightenment and development then; lest we would not be here,
for you to hear this.
While you have concentrated on developing the physical aspects of your reality
you have done so at the expense of your complete nature. Even now, human
kind is not yet committed to equal, open, active effort to discover and
develop the neglected, spiritual, psychic sides of its self-reality. This
continued reluctance to accept your coupled nature, demonstrates your basic
misunderstandings about yourselves. In order to meet the challenges facing
your species, it is imperative that each of you open yourselves to discovering
your complete nature and personal potentials of power through true self-and-Self
partnership. Each individual will need to take conscious, determined hold
of their own power, and give clear, concise directions to its shaping, if
the creative, rather than the destructive potentials of humankind, will
become humankind's chosen reality. Your daily lives are meant as a way for
you to learn to use your own power - to practice and perfect your inherent
skills, experiencing your potency as creators.
There is a growing movement of human consciousness toward open exploration
of its place within cosmic reality - including exploration of the view of
human consciousness as the only intelligent reality in a single universe.
Your world, and all possible life within it, depends upon your decisions
and discoveries about what kind of consciousness the human consciousness
is. Each individual experiencing this precise present of living, is a part
of the larger purposes of consciousness that reach beyond only the fulfillment
of your daily lives. You are each involved in mapping out new directions
of exploration for human-hood's development - new designs for humankind's
future. Each of you has a vote in these great debates, and you clearly vote
for either the apathy of a passive regression, or the opportunity of active
progression, with the kinds of personal lives you choose to create.
As an activity for each of you, try thinking about your personal lives and
your world from these enhanced perspectives - you can begin there, to discover
a new sense of value and meaning in your past, present and future. Thought
is the doorway to new worlds - and it swings both backward and forward -
inward and outward as the energy, power and consciousness of all worlds.
These discussions will continue to evolve through our usual material.