with The Speakers

We began this exploration here on paper only some few
months ago. While its development has been in progress for this person's
life time its culmination as it appears here on paper as these words,
and to her as an understandable inner voice, did not just jump into being.
We are not some sort of mental wizardry - nor psychic gibberish. We can
appear in this manner through this person's very deliberate and directed
intentions and efforts, even while she so long hid such efforts from her
clearly conscious self...
It is necessary that this work be shared and openly considered
by humankind. With this material we hope to help every individual learn
about how their own lives are privately shaped from their personal power
of mind and spirit, and how each individual contributes to shaping your
world reality. Power is the inheritance of each of you, and the understanding
of yourselves as a creative life force empowers the ordinary you with
the extraordinary ability to create your own reality. It is through such
learning that each individual's consciousness will evolve, and so the
human consciousness will evolve - evolvement being development or growth
into a more highly organized state...
Human kind is a species of consciousness, a specific
kind, or classification of consciousness whose inherent design defines
it as the human consciousness. Human life is the ability of human consciousness
to experience itself as both a physical reality, born into time as a physical
self, and simultaneously, as a portion of a spiritual and psychic reality,
existent outside of time as the Inner Self. Basically, this is the "Self-and-self"
known to each of you as YOUR self. You are the power of both an intellectual
and spiritual intelligence; an intelligence that is capable of perpetual,
and original re-creation of itself into both microcosmic individual reality,
and macrocosmic universal reality. This is your nature...
Our proposition is to assist and support the opening
of the individual mind -- the personal mind of each of you. This proposal
is of crucial importance to each of you as a new-sprung choice towards
your personal development and then your world's collective development.
This composition of ours is about how each of you is ultimately involved
with your own intimate openings of your private mind's energy as the link
that opens into your personal Self's inward reality. We wish each of you
to understand in your own most meaningful manner, how vital your intimate
self-and-Self relationship is to the directions of your world's evolvement...
Now then: You have been aware, over these last few weeks,
of much sleep-work with us.You are working with very many connected ideas–as
is your usual way. One of these ideas is that of long held problem of
trying to find a definitive stance-a defining explanation of our work
with you (that is, as opposed to simply an explanation of process). You
heard us, for the first time so far as you recognized, clearly “decline”
a certain explanatory proposition you were considering and asking for
our help with this. You instantly realized that such a declining on our
part was indeed hilarious while hearing of it brought into clear focus
so much of your own knowledge...
Now: We were speaking to you off camera about your
and how you were thinking of this term as if it is an inert object. We
were reminding you that your
future is the energy field that is
continually projected out from each of you. The
future is very
much alive - a living view, not an inert thing.
Your future is
alive by virtue of more than just your own living energy of human self.
Each of you will read that as you may...
The doors are open. Indeed, the doors of your mind are
open, and since you have invited us in, we do "come through" - and finally
rather distinctly we might add. Your fierce intention to learn, your extreme
determined questioning, your intense desire to prove out the validity
of Ourselves and your own self once and for all, (even if only to yourself),
these were the keys that unlocked and finally flung open your mind's doors...
Now: You have been living, experiencing, with a kind
of unfocused intensity. From the inward position, you are certain of your
life’s deeper purpose and sure of your growing inward abilities,
while from the conscious position you are still pretending that you do
not know how to physically actualize that inward purpose utilizing those
inward abilities. You are pretending that you do not know how to create
your inward intentions, desires, and abilities out into an
exterior everyday reality. Many of you can recognize your personal version
of this pretending in your own lives...
Now: As usual, we begin by opening first into your
individual, personal mind. From this start, we can stretch inward toward
linking with every person's mind. By moving through
your consciousness,
we can connect to every person's private context of personal consciousness
-- as they invite and allow for. We will remind all of you, often, that
your only opening into either private or collective interior reality is
first along the inward passageways of your individual mind - by your own
choice to do so...
While "good morning" is a more customary greeting
for you, "Now" has become a psychic cue initiating the focus
of mind you use for this work. So we can say "Good morning, Now"?
You are wondering if there is an exact, best way to ask for assistance,
(your Self’s or Ours’) since several evenings ago we discussed
our willingness to assist you within the framework of the Self-to-self
agreement when you ask...